I haven't lost my mind yet. My homework is still done on time. I haven't frozen while waiting for the bus (though that has been a close call on a few days). At least twice per week I walk down the hallway where the student offices are for the school of public health. There are a bunch of large photos with inspirational scenes of little babies in Africa, health clinics in the US, etc. One of the photos is of graduation ceremony with a woman wearing the graduate cap & gown with the colored tassle (pink? eeewww). Every time I walk by, I keep reminding myself that I want that damned ugly thing. It seems a much more concrete goal than my WVU vaguely "I want to graduate" goal.
Gregor isn't having separation problems (yet). He can wave now. Walking is old hat. Now he's picking up speed. He's also eating. Must be a growth spurt, because for the past 2 nights, consumption of dinner has been down right mechanical: left, right left right stuffing food into his mouth. You'd think we'd been starving the poor boy. He has slept through the night 2 nights in a row!!! Tonight he discovered the little tractor that plays 'Old MacDonald' when you push its exhaust stack. For 5 minutes he sat on the floor pushing the button (on), then bounding along with the music, then pushing the button (off); repeat as necessary.
Michael has found the magic switch: one moment a sweet child who likes his brother and generally non-destructive play - - and then he becomes the most irritating emotionally traumatic destructively violent pain-in-the-ass. He's doing well in daycare, and displays an amazing ability to recall the strangest things. He love the IKEA spoons we have. He likes red milk, not blue milk. (the whole milk has red caps, the 2% has blue). He loves Bob the Builder, and has taken to singing the Bob the Builder song (... can we build it? Yes, we can!). the movie Cars has become pratically an obsession with him.
Peter is doing okay holding down the fort for the 3 nights per week that I have night classes. He's doing ok with work, which is still with Honeywell. He's annoyed that it has been so cold, preventing him from doing any outdoor sports.
Chemical Formulas
2 days ago
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