SPIEGEL: Do you still care about politics? Are you following the 2008 election?
Roth: Unfortunately, yeah. I didn't, until about two weeks ago -- until then it wasn't real.
... I rarely vote for anybody who wins. It's going to be the kiss of death if you write in your magazine that I'm going to vote for Barack Obama. Then he's finished! ...
... As for all that other rhetoric about change, change, change -- it's pure semantics, it doesn't mean a thing. They'll respond to particular situations as they arise. ...
... [GW Bush] was too horrendous to be forgotten ...
SPIEGEL: Since your book is set in that week during the 2004 elections, can you explain why Americans voted for Bush once again?
Roth: ... political stupidity. ... but [Kerry] couldn't stand up against Bush. The Democrats aren't brutes, which is too bad, because the Republicans are brutes. Brutes win.
... There's virtually no way you can destroy your reputation. You'd have to engage in some bestiality in Bloomingdale's window in order to make a little dent in your reputation. ... (this is actually about his book, not politics, though perhaps it is salient point there, too - e.t.)
Interview with Philip Roth by Der Spiegel - selections are mine
Scream Cipher
2 days ago
I am already tired of politics and the election campaign. I think we need to re-consider the timing of the primaries. Instead of front-loading in January, why not front-load in May and June? Or if we have the primaries so early, then there needs to be several months of NO campaigning, no media until the month before the conventions. Politics this year is like the party guest who won't leave....
My rules:
1. Anyone can run (per Constitution)
2. NO private funding.
3. Announce candidacy any time you want ... say, for 2016, if it floats your boat.
4. Campaign can start on Jan 1 of the election year.
5. Absolutely no campaigning before Jan. 1.
6. No primaries may be held before May 1.
7. No 2 states may have their primaries on the same day. - alternatively, - only two states per day, if they are next-door to each other. E.g. MN/WI or HI/AK. This would reduce the whole thing to 25 days. Done before the end of May.
7a. States will have the order of their primaries randomly determined for each election.
8. Abolish the electoral college. Screw the Constitution on this one point.
9. Instant Run-off Voting
10. Paper ballots are mandatory.
11. Since there's no electoral votes, there will be no need to "guess" at 2 a.m. who the winner is.
12. At least 70% of a state's eligible population will need to vote in order for the state to get federal funding to pay for its election.
13. Sub-clause to #1... you are excluded from a candidacy if anyone you're immediately related to (biologically or by marriage) has held the same office within the past 10 years. Yes, you can run, per #1, you just can't do it right now.
I'm all for your rules. How do we get them implemented?
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