Super Party Size = Big Fat Butt Size
got me thinking about other synonyms.
Wind-swept look = didn’t bother to comb hair this a.m.
decadent = expensive
splurge = extra fat
indulge = higher profit margin
"flaws are unique and contribute to the beauty of [object you just bought]" = our quality control sucks, but since we only pay 15 cents/hour, we're going to laugh at you westerners for buying our 3rd world junk
multi-cultural event = us white folks want to hang with everyone else in an environment which allows us to maintain a numerical superiority
traditional food = as long as you're the only white person in the joint, yummmmm
traditional food from some European country where they're white anyway = something with the same name, but makes the natives' eyebrows raise
low-fat = too much sugar
handicap parking = why doesn't being 8 month pregnant count?
vegetarian = someone who still salivates at the smell of bacon
30% seasonal clearance sale = we already make our profit quota on all the other schmucks who wanted a swimsuit in March.
Death toll = body count
Scream Cipher
2 days ago
"New" = same price, smaller size
"energy efficient" = works for 2 years then dies (my AC and microwave just did this) so as not to use anymore energy
Other nice and adequate synonyms for phrases in scientific publications can be found here: .
I've read one or two of these scientific ones. I just had to tell Peter "for the next 4 minutes, don't ask why I'm laughing." = I don't want to repeat all of this stuff that you've already heard.
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