Sunday, May 23, 2010

AIHce: Day -1

Still here in sunny, warm Denver.
  • I walked at least 4 miles today. Guaranteed more than 2, since I walked to the end of the mile-long pseudo-pedestrian zone & back.
  • My poster is hanging up in public.
  • P from 3M walked into the brewery - where the student social was - and, after saying hello, my next sentence was
    "Hey, P, I need a job"
    P: "Sure, I've got two"
    Shock & awe: hot damn!
    P: "They're in Indianapolis & [some city]"
    Me: where is that?
    P: South Dakota
    sigh ...
  • The reason you network at things like this is so you can call them and ask them to find the bag you left at the brewery & give it to someone heading back to your hotel.
I miss my husband.
I miss my children.

Tomorrow the conference gets into full swing. I've decided that I'm going to attend every single meeting/class that is involved in employment. Mock interviews, resume critiques, how to interview effectively.

Of course, I also plan to attend two of the big talks: First the president of UMW and second is David Michaels, author of Doubt Is Their Product. Damn, wish I had chosen his book to bring. Would it be toooo geeky to ask the Secretary of OSHA to autograph his book? Guess I'll never know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Asking the Secretary of OSHA to autograph his book too geeky? I don't think so. Have you read it? He might be more impressed if you could point out something he wrote that you particularly liked or found useful....

You've been missing a rollercoaster of weather here. But you probably already know that....(smile)