So much for the Light Bulb Freedom of Choice Act: the European Union is banning incandescent lightbulbs.
Sie frisst zu viel Strom und wird deshalb abgeschafft: Die klassische Glühlampe soll bis 2012 aus allen Geschäften verschwinden - so haben es jetzt Experten aus 27 EU-Staaten beschlossen. Besonders leistungsstarke Modelle werden sogar schon früher aus dem Handel verbannt. - Der Spiegel, 12/8/08
They consume too much electricity and will therefore be discontinued: the classical lightbulb should be removed from all stores by 2012, decided experts from 27 European states. Especially, the high-intensity models will be banned even earlier.
Scream Cipher
2 days ago
> the classical lightbulb should be removed from all stores by 2012, decided experts from 27 European states.
Experts in what? I strongly dislike such interventionism in the market - if the state wants to reduce enegry consumption, the state should tax it and let the consumer decide how they want to save enery and, thereby, money. Some light bulbs are so seldom in use that buying the simplest light, an incandescent one, makes sense for the personal wallet AND for society, as the production and SAFE REMOVAL of energy saving lamps can be quite cost intensive.
The notice didn't mention what people were supposed to use instead? (laughing) Those Germans! Keine Licht....but I'm sure the Americans will be right there with them!
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