Monday, December 15, 2008

price of christmas cheer

1 partridge: $20
1 pear tree: $200
2 turtle doves: $55
3 French hens: $30
4 calling birds: $60
5 golden rings: $350
6 geese laying: $240
7 swans swimming: $5,600
8 maids milking: $52
9 ladies dancing: $4,759
10 lords leaping: $4,414
11 pipers piping: $2,285
12 drummers drumming: $2,475

grand total 2008: $86,609

last year: $78,100


Anonymous said...

Where do you get the prices? That's amazing! Are they American prices or UK prices? Just curious...we have no lords here, do we? (smile)

Gopher MPH said...

of all places, it was a link through the Weather Channel's site:

It sounded like a U.S. firm name - actually it sounded like an investment firm, like wealth management something-or-other.

Lords? Well, there are the fucktards on Wall Street who obviously think they're the Lords of Creation... and apparently, like the House of Lords in the U.K., we can't manage to get rid of them, either.