Friday, July 24, 2009

Mine is bigger than yours is ...

Pres. Obama's press statement yesterday concluded with:

So at the end of ... my conversation with Sgt. Crowley, there was a discussion about he and I and Prof. Gates having a beer here in the White House. We don't know if that's scheduled yet, but we may put that together.

He also did say he wanted to find out if there was a way of getting the press off his lawn.

I, I informed him that I can't get the press off my lawn.

He pointed out that my lawn is bigger than his lawn.

But if anybody has any connections to the Boston press as well as national press, Sgt. Crowley would be happy for you to stop trampling his grass.

All right?


Anonymous said...

This was funny. I like how Obama uses humor -- it's gentle, not intrusive, and insightful. We'll see if it works....

Peter T said...

I wonder what would have happen if Mr. George W. Bush had made such a comment. Would the conseravtive media broadcast frequent reruns to point out how folksy and witty the president is?

Anonymous said...

Hee, hee, hee! I love the way the Republican/Conservative camp is now blaming Obama and the Democrats for the tanked economy (although there are signs of recovery now) when, of course, it was the Republican Congress and Dubbya who repealed the regulations that were established during the Depression for banks, etc. and allowed the banks, investment banks and real estate businesses go hog-wild and produce the mess we're in. I heard a conservative author on the Today show this morning just going at Obama and complaining that he's had 6-months why isn't it fixed? He's corrupt, his government is corrupt, yada, yada, yada....
